
  1. Downloads with wrong fileextension

    Chili Publisher: Downloads with wrong FileExtension

    Note: In some installations there were cases where files with an ‘aspx’ extension instead of a pdf extension were created when downloading PDF files.
    The problem was found and fixed in the following version 
    enobis/module-chili-editor version 3.1.16
    If you encounter this problem, please update the enobis/modul-chili-editor to a version >= 3.1.16

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  2. Attention: "Action Required: Upcoming API Response Format Updates"

    Attention: "Action Required: Upcoming API Response Format Updates"

    we (and probably you) have already received the important information from CHILIpublish regarding "Action Required: Upcoming API Response Format Updates".

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  3. Create23 - Messe in Brüssel am 8/9 November 2023

    Ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass enobis an der mit Spannung erwarteten Create23-Ausstellung in Brüssel am 8. und 9. November 2023 teilnehmen wird!

    Als Teil des RELATIAL-Teams wird Enobis unser neuestes und innovativstes Produkt vorstellen, den CHILIgrafx-Connector für Magento2.x. Der Connector ermöglicht die nahtlose Integration zwischen der CHILIGrafx-Plattform und Magento2.x.

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  4. enobis ist jetzt Teil des RELATIAL_ Teams

    wir haben einige aufregende Neuigkeiten mit Ihnen zu teilen. enobis ist jetzt Teil des RELATIAL_ Teams. Unser Team ist stolz darauf, bekannt zu geben, dass wir uns mit Netzwerk-P, einer der führenden Digitalagenturen Deutschlands, zusammengeschlossen haben.

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  5. Attention: Your Magento2.x-Integration with CHILIpublisher May Break

    Attention: Your Integration May Break

    wir (und wahrscheinlich auch Sie) haben bereits die Info von Chili erhalten, dass aufgrund einer Änderung bei Chromium basierten Browsern auch eine Änderung in der Integration des Chili Publishers in Magento2 notwendig wird.

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  6. Enobis_CatalogProductCustomerAttributeFilter: Version 1.5.1

    New version 1.5.1 brings several optimizations and bugfixes regarding performance and filtering

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  7. SOAP is ending this month please take action - CHILI PUBLISH!

    Chili Publish Soap will reach End of Life in June 2022.

    As a customer of Chili Publish, you should have already received a message, that the soap support for the CHILIpublier will reach end of life in June 2022. You must switch to rest now!

    Our enobis Chili Editor Extensions can use both, the Soap and Rest Protocoll of Chili Publish. Which protocoll is used depends on which chili-lib Module is installed in your Magento2 Installation.

    Please make sure that you install the correct chili-lib-rest module to your Magento2 Installation before June 2022. Left untouched, you risk that your services around CHILI publisher Online are potentially non-functional when SOAP support is no longer available in June.

    To ensure that you are using our CHILIConnector with the rest api of the CHILIpublisher, p lease take a look at our documentation at

    Please proceed in the following steps:

    To verify if your already using chili-lib-rest
    type the following

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  8. Enobis_Budget: Version 1.7.0

    New version 1.7.0 supports now "tranfer transactions between related budgets (parent to child budgets)"

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  9. CHILIconnector: Update-Version 2.1

    Version 2.1 adds the possibility to show a document preview for order items

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  10. CHILIconnector: Major-Update Version 2.0 released!

    The new version 2.0 of the CHILIconnector with several major changes is released now!

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