

The Magento2.x "campaign" extension is a tool for marketing departments to plan, execute and communicate time-limited sales and marketing campaigns.

All relevant data for each campaign, such as campaign descriptions, products and order details are displayed in various pages and views.

An (optional) email communication sends emails to the (potential) participants to keep them updated regarding their status in the upcoming, ongoing and closed campaigns.


extension-name: enobis/campaign
  • Latest stable version

    version: 2.2.3
  • Install & Update

    First you need to add our private repo to your composer.json of your magento installation:

    composer config repositories.enobis-your-reponame composer https://satis.enobis.de/customers/your-reponame/

    Important: All repos are secured by an ip-protection or an user-authentication. Access Credentials are provided by us!

    To install the extension use composer via ssh:

    composer require enobis/extension-name

    To update the extension use composer via ssh:

    composer update enobis/extension-name

    Afterwards you have to complete your Magento2.x installation by

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    php bin/magento cache:clean
    php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • Changelog

    • 2.0.0 - 2.2.3 minor changes - bugfixes and adjustments to existing features
    • 2.0.0 Major Update - new features regarding Events, PHP8 compatibility
    • 1.0.0 - - several features, bugfixes
    • 1.0.0 Initial Release
  • Roadmap

    • n/a
  • Prerequisites

    Our extensions are not available via the magento-marketplace or packagist.org! The extensions are only available via a (private) repository!

    In order to get access, a valid license-agreement is required!

    If you have no access to our repositories, please contact us!

  • Addons

    The following modules are available as addons:

    • dynamic tier pricing
    • campaign newsletter
    • campaign email management
    • sales attachments
  • Support

    If you need help with one of our extensions, please get in touch with us by sending an email to support@enobis.de.

Use Cases

The extension is designed for supporting different usescases, such as

  • general sales & marketing campaigns
  • demand determination campaigns

General sales & marketing campaigns

Are you looking for a way to spice up your marketing strategy? Why not show your products in a special context, like a certain period of time or event? For example, you could create a retro-themed campaign that showcases how your products would fit in the 80s or 90s. Or you could create a seasonal campaign that highlights how your products can help customers celebrate Halloween, Christmas, or Valentine's Day. By showing your products in a special context, you can attract more attention, create a sense of nostalgia or excitement, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Another way to boost your sales is to bundle relevant products and services together for an upcoming campaign. For example, you could offer a discount on a pair of shoes and a matching bag, or a package deal on a laptop and a printer. By bundling relevant products and services together, you can increase your average order value, cross-sell or upsell your customers, and create more value for them.

Demand determination campaigns

One of the key aspects of successful marketing is to understand the needs and preferences of your customers. By creating campaigns that track customer demands for upcoming products, you can gain valuable insights into what they are looking for and how they respond to your offers. This will help you optimize your product development, pricing, and promotion strategies.

However, not all customer demands are equally relevant or profitable for your business. Some may be too niche, too costly, or too competitive to pursue. Therefore, you need a way to filter out the noise and focus on the most promising opportunities. That's why you should process only relevant demand orders into a next order status afterwards. This means that you will create follow-up orders for the products that have the highest potential to generate revenue and customer satisfaction, and proceed with them to the next stage of your sales funnel.

By doing this, you will be able to streamline your marketing operations, reduce waste, and increase efficiency. You will also be able to deliver better value to your customers by providing them with the products they really want and need.

Features overview

Visualization of campaign related information

Campaigns are a powerful way to showcase your products and other relevant information to your customers. You can use the timeline widget to create a visual representation of your campaigns in a chronological context, highlighting the relevant products and milestones of each campaign.

Access to campaigns

Create open or closed campaigns based on different customer groups. Campaigns can be visualised in different ways, such as the general campaign portal page, the more specific active, past and upcoming campaign listings or use the campaign widget to access specific campaigns directly.

Advanced rules

Create advanced rules for each campaign to restrict e.g. the access to products for certain customer groups, certain amounts of products or specific payment- and shipping-methods.


Products can have a relationship to 3 differnt campaign phases

  • Demand determination (for demand determination purposes)

  • Production (for visualising purposes only - together with demand determination)

  • Sales (for sales and marketing campaigns)

Campaign related communication (optional)

Each campaign phase is flanked by email communication, which informs or remindes users about all relevant campaign information (announcements, reminders, expiration emails).

Participation status

A customer's participation status is tracked by the customer's campaign order.

Backend order processing

Advanced backend order process for demand orders to generate follow-up orders

Visualization of campaign related information

The extension offers different possiblities to visualize campaign relevant data, like a campaign portal page, additional navigation entries (campaign navigation) or a timeline and widget functionality.

  • Campaign Portal

    The Campaign Portal page provides an overview of all campaigns. It consists of a "Campaign Timeline View", an introductory text and list views of current, past and upcoming campaigns.

    "campaign timeline view"

    The "campaign timeline view" shows all active campaigns in a timeline view for the next 3 quarters of the year. The campaigns are grouped by their campaign category.

    "list views of active, past and upcoming campaigns"

    The list views shows campaign filtered by their actual state (active, upcoming and past campaigns).

  • Campaign Navigation

    The "campaign navigation" can be activated optionally and adds extra items to the main navigation.

    Each item can be activated separately. These items are

    • "Campaigns"-item: Offers a link to the main campaign overview page. All active campaings are added as submenu entries.
    • "Active campaigns"-item: Offers a link to campaign page, which shows all active campaigns in an overview page
    • "Upcoming campaigns"-item: Offers a link to campaign page, which shows all upcoming campaigns in an overview page
    • "Past campaigns"-item: Offers a link to campaign page, which shows all past campaigns in an overview page (archive)

    Each overview page shows the campaigns with relevant information in a list view.

  • Campaign detail page

    The campaign detail page shows all relevant information of the campaign. E.g. name of campaign, status of campaign (open, participated, closed), campaign start- and end date, description of campaign, items of campaign in a timeline grid and products of campaign in a grid view. It's also the "access point" to participate in a campaign.

    Campaign description

    The campaign description gives an overview about the campaign and shows the campaign start- and enddate incl. the actual status of the campaign.


    The timeline-element shows all time-relevant information in a monthly based timeline view.

    The timeline shows

    • all relevant timeline information
    • a today marker for a better overview
    • the campaign in the actual context of the year (upcoming months and quarters)

    Product Grids

    Products are visualised in product grids (Each phase has a separate product grid). The user can add the products (depends on phase and status) to the cart.

    Participation status

    A customer's participation status is tracked by the customer's campaign order.

  • Campaign widgets

    The campaign detail page shows all relevant information of the campaign. E.g. name of campaign, status of campaign (open, participated, closed), campaign start- and end date, description of campaign, items of campaign in a timeline grid and products of campaign in a grid view. It's also the "access point" to participate in a campaign.

Access to campaigns

  • Customer group based access

    Create open or closed campaigns based on different customer groups. Every campaign can be restricted to certain group of customers. Hint: In combination with the "campaign-customer-attribute-filter"-extension, campaigns can be filtered on different customer-attribute combinations too.

Advanced Rules

  • Advanced rules for campaigns

    Every campaign can have a certain set of rules, such as
    • start / end date of campaign
    • available payment-, shipping methods
    • excluded customer groups
    • avaible in websites
    • available campaign phase (demand, production, sales phase) in campaign
    • start / end date of phase (demand, production, sales phase)
    • order limitation (demand phase) 
    • product available from / to (demand phase, sales phase)
    • product is required (demand phase, sales phase)
    • max order quantity (demand phase)
    • etc.

Support for different campaigns phases

  • Different campaign phases

    The extension supports different use cases for which different campaign phases are relevant. Each phase has special configuration settings and used for different purposes.

    • Sales / Release Phase - for sales and marketing campaigns

    This is the standard phase for each campaign. Visualize and bundle different products into a campaign in order to boost your sales.

    • Demand (determination) Phase - for demand determination purposes

    Phase to determine the demand for (new) products. Ordered products can be reviewed and processed from the backend to a next level. Orders can be canceled or modified into new orders with a different product setup and pricing.

    • Production phase (for visualising purposes only) - together with demand determination

    Together with the demand phase feature, it's sometimes important to visualize the whole process from the demand creation to production. This phase can visualize the production dates in the timing timeline to complete the picture of the whole process.

Campaign (email) communication

  • Email communication

    Each campaign phase is flanked by email communication, which informs or remindes users about all relevant campaign information (announcements, reminders, expiration emails). This feature is optional!

Participation status

  • Participation status

    Each order is registered to it's appropiate campaign in order to track the customer behaviour. 

Backend order processing

  • Backend order processing

    The demand phase gives the possibility to process and transform demand orders into final orders. Within the transformation it's possible to change the product (change sku or remove completely)  , product price and status of the order.

    Example process:

    Customer order products of a campaign which in the demand determination phase. These orders will be marked as "demand submitted". At the end of the demand phase period, all orders will be checked regarding their demands. The admin decides which products will be produced and which products not. The admin prepares all necessary data incl. final sku and final price, maybe visualizes their production dates within the timing timeline and then transforms all the relevant orders into final orders.

    The original order will be cancelled and the final order will be created and registered with all necessary changes to the customer account. The customer will be informed by email.

General configuration

  • Stores->Configuration->Enobis->Campaign->General

    Yes, No (Default)Enables/ Disables campaign extensionSystem->Storeview
    Demand Phase EnabledYes, No (Default)Enables/ Disables "demand phase" of campaignSystem->Website
    Yes, No (Default)Enables/ Disables "production phase" of campaignSystem->Website
    Yes, No (Default)

    Enables/ Disables "product release phase" of campaign

    Block for the overview pageDropdownBlock for additional information in campaign overview page (portal page)System->Storeview
    View future campaignsYes, No (Default)Show upcoming campaigns in portal pageSystem->Storeview
    Display campaigns that have already endedYes, No (Default)Show past campaigns in portal pageSystem->Storeview
    Campaign List ModeYes, No (Default)DeprecatedSystem->Storeview
    Compact ViewYes, No (Default)DeprecatedSystem->Storeview
    Payment MethodsMultiple SelectMultiple Selection of available payment methods (can be overwritten on campaign level)System->Storeview
    Shipping MethodsMultiple SelectMultiple Selection of available shipping methods (can be overwritten on campaign level)System->Storeview
    VisibilityMultiple SelectMultiple Selection of available customer groups for campaign visibility (can be overwritten on campaign level)System->Storeview
    Demand Release Order Status SubmittedDropdownStatus after the demand order is submitted by customer (Demand Phase)System->Storeview

    Status after the demand order is canceled by customer (Demand Phase) -->Only possible if:

    Conditions: Campaign is enabled, Campaign is not locked, the order is not already canceled, the order is in an authorized status to be canceled and we are still in the set date.
    Demand Release Order Status ApprovedDropdownStatus after the demand order is approved by customer (Demand Phase)System->Storeview
    Demand Release Order Status Admin CanceledDropdownStatus after the demand order is canceled by Admin (Demand Phase)System->Storeview
    Demand Release Order Status Admin ApprovedDropdownStatus after the demand order is approved by Admin (Demand Phase)System->Storeview
    Demand Release Order Status Order Processing CanceledDropdownStatus after the demand order is canceled during the backend order processing mass action (Demand Phase)System->Storeview
    Demand Admin Final Order Email TemplateDropdownEmail Template for final order by admin (Demand Phase)System->Storeview
    Demand Admin Cancel Email TemplateDropdownEmail Template for cancelling the order by admin (Demand Phase)System->Storeview

  • Stores->Configuration->Enobis->Campaign->General->Email Templates

    Campaign Order New TemplateDropdownEmail Template for new order (by Customer) (Demand Phase, Sales Phase)System->Storeview
    Approve Demand Order [User] TemplateDropdownEmail Template for order is approved by customer (Demand Phase) -->only for "non-binding-orders"System->Storeview
    Cancel Demand Order [User] TemplateDropdownEmail Template for order is canceled by customer (Demand Phase) -->only for "non-binding-orders"System->Storeview
    Approve Demand Order [Admin] TemplateDropdownEmail Template for order is approved by admin (Demand Phase)System->Storeview
    Cancel Demand Order [Admin] TemplateDropdownEmail Template for order is canceled by admin (Demand Phase)System->Storeview

  • Stores->Configuration->Enobis->Campaign->Top Menu

    Topmenu Campaign EnabledYes, No (Default)Enable Top Menu (All Campaigns)System->Storeview
    Topmenu Prefix CategoryString

    Please enter the category ID where the link is prepended. Only Top category level. Leave empty to deactivate.

    Topmenu All CampaignsYes, No (Default)Enable Portal page in Top Menu (Marketing)System->Storeview
    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for active campaigns

    Topmenu Upcoming CampaignsYes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for upcoming campaigns


    Topmenu Past CampaignsYes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for past campaigns


    Topmenu Demand Phase CampaignsYes, No (Default)

    Enable top menu navigation entry (Demand Phase)


    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for active demand campaigns


    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for upcoming demand campaigns


    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for pats demand campaigns


    Topmenu Release Phase CampaignsYes, No (Default)

    Enable top menu navigation entry (Sales/Release Phase)


    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for active sales/ release campaigns


    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for upcoming sales/ release campaigns


    Yes, No (Default)

    Show navigation entry for past sales/ release campaigns


Campaign configuration in detail

  • Content->Campaign


    name of campaign





    Yes, No (Default)Activates campaign for frontendSystem->Storeview
    Yes, No (Default)

    Is campaign visible in grid


    In timeline

    Yes, No (Default)

    Is campaign visible in timeline widget

    TimingEnabled/ Disabled

    Is campaign timing (campaign specific timeline) activated?

    Info CMS BlockDropdownlist of static blocksSystem->Storeview
    Payment MethodMultiple SelectMultiple selection of available payment methods (overwrites general configuration)System->Website
    Shipping MethodMultiple Select

    Multiple selection of available shipping methods (overwrites general configuration)

    Multiple Select

    Multiple selection of available restriced customer groups (overwrites general configuration)


    Selection of campaign categories

    Start DateDate

    Start date of campaign

    End DateDate

    end date of campaign

    BudgetStringfor information onlySystem->Global
    Short descriptionString

    Short description of campaign


    Description of campaign


    Image of campaign

    Campaign in WebsiteCheckbox

    Campaign available in website


  • Content->Campaign->Email Templates

    New Campaign OrderDropdownTemplate for new order (for customer)System->Storeview
    Email InfoStringCampaign specific info text for new order emailSystem->Storeview

  • Content->Campaign->Timeline Items

    Timeline entries are shown in the "timing"-timeline of the campaign.


    Name of entry

    From DateDate

    Start date of entry

    To DateDate

    End Date of entry


    Segments the timing timeline into different sections with separate scrollbars

    Position of entry in timing timeline

    This is a global position!
  • Content->Campaign->Demand Phase

    Detail configuration of demand phase of campaign

    Demand EnabledYes, No (Default)

    Enables/ Disables demand phase in campaign

    Demand NameString

    Name of Demand phase in frontend

    Demand Start DateDate

    Start Date of Phase

    Demand End DateDate

    End Date of Phase

    Demand StatusString


    Binding OrdersYes, No (Default)

    Yes: Binding order is actived: Every order will be "approved" directly without any user action. The order will be in status "Demand Release Order Status Approved".

    No: Binding order is deactivated. Every order must be "approved" (released) by the customer first for further processing. Approval is possible within separate approval start/end-period.

    Hint: Only necessary for advanced demand assesment workflows! (Will be activated by default in one of the future versions!)


    Start Date of approval period for customers (release date of demand order)


    End Date of approval period for customers (release date of demand order)

    Yes, No (Default)

    Hides Stock information at product detail page

    Demand Cart Allow Non-Campaign ProductsYes, No (Default)

    Allows non campaign-products in the same cart

    Demand Order LimitationYes, No (Default)

    Order limitation to 1 order per phase and campaign.

    Yes, No (Default)

    The user is allowed to cancel the order in the phase and in the set time period. The definition in which status the order can be is set in the system configuration. Conditions: Campaign is enabled, Campaign is not locked, the order is not already canceled, the order is in an authorized status to be canceled and we are still in the set date.

    Demand Order Show reorderYes, No (Default)

    Conditions: Reordern is activated, the campaign is activated, the campaign is not locked, the phase is activated and we are still in the set period.

    Demand Order Show editYes, No (Default)

    Conditions: Reorder is activated, the order is in the 'new' state, the campaign is activated, the campaign is not locked, the phase is activated and we are still in the set period.


  • Content->Campaign->Demand Products

    Configuration of products for the demand phase.

    From DateDate

    Product available from

    to DateDate

    Product available to


    Segments the timing timeline into different sections with separate scrollbars
    is requiredYes, No (Default)

    Yes: Product must be part of cart before you can checkout

    No: Product must no be part of cart before you can checkout

    Yes, No (Default)

    Product is shown in Grid

    Yes, No (Default)

    Product is shown in Timing Timeline


    Global position for timing timeline

    Max Order QtyNumber

    max quantity for order

    Target SKUString

    target sku for backend order processing -->transformation from demand assesment order (from customer) to final demand order (by backend order processing)


    Final price for product in final demand order (used during order transformation)

  • Content->Campaign->Sales-/ Release-Phase

    Detail configuration of sales-/ release phase of campaign

    Release EnabledYes, No (Default)

    Enables/ Disables sales / release phase in campaign

    Product Release NameString

    Name of release phase in frontend

    Product Release Start DateDate

    Start Date of Phase

    Product Release End DateDate

    End Date of Phase

    Product Release StatusString


    Product Release Order LimitationYes, No (Default)

    Order limitation to 1 order per phase and campaign.

    Product Release Order LimitationYes, No (Default)

    The user is allowed to cancel the order in the phase and in the set time period. The definition in which status the order can be is set in the system configuration. Conditions: Campaign is enabled, Campaign is not locked, the order is not already canceled, the order is in an authorized status to be canceled and we are still in the set date.

    Product Release Order Show reorderYes, No (Default)

    Conditions: Reordern is activated, the campaign is activated, the campaign is not locked, the phase is activated and we are still in the set period.

    Product Release Order Show editYes, No (Default)

    Conditions: Reorder is activated, the order is in the 'new' state, the campaign is activated, the campaign is not locked, the phase is activated and we are still in the set period.

    Hide stock statusYes, No (Default)

    Hide stock information in product detail page


  • Content->Campaign->Sales/Release-Products

    Configuration of products for the sales/release-phase.

    From DateDate

    Product available from

    to DateDate

    Product available to


    Segments the timing timeline into different sections with separate scrollbars
    is requiredYes, No (Default)

    Yes: Product must be part of cart before you can checkout

    No: Product must no be part of cart before you can checkout

    Yes, No (Default)

    Product is shown in Grid

    Yes, No (Default)

    Product is shown in Timing Timeline


    Global position for timing timeline

    None, This Campaign

  • Content->Campaign->Participation Status Customer

    Shows relevant information about participants of the campaign. A participant has at least one order in  the appropiate campaign.

  • Content->Campaign->Campaign Orders

    Shows information about all campaign orders.

  • Content->Campaign->Campaign Order Items

    Shows information about all ordered items of campaign.

  • Content->Campaign->Campaign Ordered Qtys

    Shows information about all ordered quantities of the campaign.


Our extensions are not available via the magento-marketplace or packagist.org! The extensions are only available via a (private) repository!

In order to get access, a valid license-agreement is required!

If you have no access to our repositories, please contact us!


If you need help using the extension, please get in touch with us by sending an email to support@enobis.de.