Our Demos
You are interessed in one of our demos?
We have different demos for all the different aspects of our CHILIConnector-Extension(s). Please try:
1. CHILIConnector-Extension-Demo: https://demo.enobis.de - This is our main technical demo, which shows all the technical aspects of the CHILIConnector.
2. "Marketing Selfservice Center"-Demo: https://demo-msc.enobis.de - Example configuration as a "Marketing Selfservice Center". E.g. like an internal solution for creating digital, branded marketing materials.
3. Exihibition- and Event-Demo: https://demo-booking.enobis.de - Example configuration of the CHILIConnector as a "Exhibition- and Event-Portal". E.g. internal solution for organising exhibitions and events incl. creating related marketing materials. (Work in Progress)
4. Brandshop-/ Brandportal: https://demo-portal.enobis.de - Example configuration as a "Brandportal". This is the most complete demo which all features in one place. E.g. Creating digital and printing materials, ordering stock materials and organising exhibitions and events, sharing information like news and downloads etc. about your brand (Work in Progress)
5. Spicybeer - Brandportal: https://spicybeer.enobis.de - "Spicybeer-Brand Portal" - Demo for Spicybeer related documents. (Work in Progress)
6. B2C-Demo: https://demo-b2c.enobis.de - "B2C"-Demo for Guestusers (Work in Progress)
Our demos are secured by a login. In order to get access please, register (if there is a possiblity to register) and wait about 2/3 days. All users need an approval before accessing our demos. If you don't get a response to your request, please contact us via our contact form here.